How to reach Marina di Massa

Marina Hotel is located in Ronchi a quiet part of Marina di Massa.

Hotel Marina is located in Northern Tuscany, easily reached by the motorway and railway, during the summer a convenient bus service runs to the main cities in the North.

By car, train or by plane Marina di Massa is easy to reach

  • By plane: Galileo Galilei airport in Pisa: 40 Km ;
  • By train: railway station of MASSA CENTRO: 3,5 km;
  • By car: exit "MASSA" on the A12 GENOVA-LIVORNO motorway, follow road signs to Marina di Massa and from there follow the road signs to Ronchi. (Distance from motorway exit: 2-Km)

Get road information:

Bad kissingen square, Marina Hotel Marina di Massa

250 meters from the sea in a quiet area.

Our Rooms

You can book your room directly on this website to get the Best Price for your stay in Marina di Massa.